
Micro fans, commonly known as coolers, are an integral part of various electronic systems, including personal computers and medical devices. One of the critical metrics for evaluating their quality is the level of vibration and noise they generate. This article discusses an experiment aimed at reducing the vibration levels in a batch of 100 coolers, specifically designed for medical equipment.

The Importance of Low Vibration and Noise

Vibration and noise can significantly affect the efficiency and longevity of electronic devices. In medical equipment, these factors become even more critical, as even a small deviation can have serious implications. Therefore, achieving low vibration and noise levels in coolers becomes a priority for manufacturers.

The Experiment: Balancing 100 Coolers

In response to a request from a medical equipment manufacturer, we undertook the task of balancing a batch of 100 coolers. The process began with the construction of a specialized stand. This stand featured a lightweight platform, suspended by rigid steel strings, designed to minimize external influences that could affect the balancing process.

The Balancing Process

For the actual balancing, an epoxy quick-hardening composition was chosen as the correcting mass. This material was applied to the blades of the micro fans in precise amounts, with the intent of nullifying existing imbalances. It’s worth noting that the applied masses were extremely small, generally not exceeding a few hundredths of a gram, underlining the precision involved in the operation.

The Outcome

The end result was striking. The residual vibration levels in the coolers fell dramatically, showing an average reduction of more than 10 times. The measurements for the entire batch indicated vibration levels between 0.01 and 0.05 mm/s, underlining the success of the balancing process.

Final Thoughts

Balancing is an effective method for reducing vibration and, consequently, noise levels in micro fans. This process, when executed with meticulous attention to detail, can substantially improve the performance metrics of coolers, ensuring that they meet the stringent requirements of specialized applications, such as medical equipment.

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