Showcase Your Business in Our New Company Directory!

We are excited to announce that today we have added a new section to our website — a company directory where you can list your business and share your story by writing articles about what you do and the services you offer. 🚀 Why is this beneficial for you? Here are two main reasons: 1️⃣ Dofollow links to your website. We provide dofollow links to your resource, which positively impacts your SEO and helps you rank higher in Google search results. This is a great opportunity to improve your business’s online visibility. 2️⃣ Directory promotion. A bit later, when the directory has more listings, Read more…

Linear and Nonlinear Vibrations. Balancing Nonlinear Objects

Linear and Nonlinear Vibrations, Their Features, and Balancing Methods Rotating mechanisms surround us everywhere – from miniature fans in computers to giant turbines at power plants. Their reliable and efficient operation directly depends on balancing – the process of eliminating mass imbalances that lead to unwanted vibrations. Vibrations, in turn, not only reduce the performance and lifespan of equipment but can also cause serious accidents and injuries. Therefore, balancing is a crucial procedure in the production, operation, and maintenance of rotating equipment. Successful balancing requires understanding how an object reacts to the addition or removal of mass. In this context, Read more…

Fan Balancing

Fan Balancing (Information used from ISO 31350-2007 VIBRATION. INDUSTRIAL FANS. REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCED VIBRATION AND BALANCING QUALITY) Vibration produced by the fan is one of its most important technical characteristics. It indicates the quality of design and manufacture of the product. Increased vibration may indicate improper installation of the fan, deterioration of its technical condition, etc. For this reason, fan vibration is usually measured during acceptance tests, during installation before commissioning, as well as when performing a machine condition monitoring program. Fan vibration data is also used in the design of its support and connected systems (ducts). Vibration measurements are Read more…

Balancing Instrument at the Price of a Vibrometer

Is it possible? With determination – YES! Balancing instruments rightfully occupy a special place among the wide range of equipment used for vibroacoustic measurements. This is largely due to the fact that this class of instruments, in addition to performing metrological functions, also fulfills a technological role. Essentially, it is technological equipment used to reduce the imbalance of rotary mechanisms. As a result, it offers high economic efficiency, allowing for significant quality improvement of products with relatively small capital investments when implementing balancing equipment. This is especially true for industries where a significant amount of rotary equipment is operated or Read more…

Portable balancer, vibration analyzer

Drive Shaft Balancing

Devices for Dynamic Balancing of Driveshafts and Measurement System for Balancing Machines Balanset-1 – 1751 Euros Devices for Dynamic Balancing of Driveshafts and Measurement System for Balancing Machines Balanset-4 – 6803 Euros Table of Contents 1. Types of Driveshafts 2. Universal Joint Drive Malfunctions 3. Driveshaft Balancing 4. Modern Balancing Machines for Driveshafts 5. Preparation for Driveshaft Balancing 6. Driveshaft Balancing Procedure 7. Recommended Balancing Accuracy Classes for Rigid Rotors 1. Types of Driveshafts A universal joint drive (driveshaft) is a mechanism that transmits torque between shafts that intersect at the center of the universal joint and can move relative Read more…

Two Remarks on the Reasonableness of Customer Requirements for Balancing Machine Manufacturers

Introduction Over the past one and a half years, our company has received more than 30 inquiries regarding the purchase of various types of balancing machines. An analysis of the Technical Specifications attached to these inquiries reveals that most include a number of characteristics that significantly impact the production timelines and costs of the machines and also minimize the list of potential suppliers. Among these, two requirements stand out: The requirement to ensure a specific residual imbalance, which should not exceed 0.1 g*mm/kg (µm). The requirement to include the balancing machine in the Register of Measuring Instruments. Let’s analyze the Read more…

Hard-bearing and soft-bearing Rotor balancing machine.

Dynamic Shaft Balancing Instruction

Table of Contents What is the difference between static and dynamic balance? Static Balance Dynamic Balance Dynamic Shaft Balancing Instruction Photo 1: Initial Vibration Measurement Photo 2: Installing the Calibration Weight and Measuring Vibration Changes Photo 3: Moving the Calibration Weight and Re-Measuring Vibration Photo 4: Installing the Final Weights and Checking the Balance Description of the Angle Measurement Process for Installing Corrective Weights Calculation of the Trial Weight Mass Correction Planes Relative to Installed Vibration Sensors Two-Plane Dynamic Balancing of a Fan Determining Planes and Installing Sensors Balancing Process Angle Measurement What is the difference between static and dynamic Read more…

Dynamic balancing of the centrifuge.

Prevention is better than cure: How regular centrifuge balancing helps avoid costly breakdowns

Centrifuges are indispensable equipment in many industries, from medicine to the chemical industry. They are used to separate liquid mixtures based on the density difference of the components. However, like any rotating equipment, centrifuges are prone to vibration, which can lead to a number of problems. What is Vibration? Vibration is the oscillatory motion that occurs when the rotor of a centrifuge rotates. It can be caused by various factors, such as: Rotor imbalance: uneven distribution of mass across the rotor. Rotor deformations: bends, warps. Bearing play: wear, improper installation. Asymmetry of rotor elements: improper shape, hole placement. External influences: Read more…

Dynamic Balancing of Flail Mower and Forestry Mulcher Rotors

In this article, we will explain the process of balancing the rotors of flail mowers and forestry mulchers in simple terms. We will answer frequently asked questions and provide several useful tips. Let’s start by understanding what vibration is, its dangers, what balancing is, why it’s necessary, and how it can be done independently. Rotor balancing is the process of adjusting the mass distribution of the rotor to reduce or eliminate vibrations that occur during its rotation. Properly performed balancing extends the life of the mechanism, reduces noise and vibration, and prevents premature wear of bearings and other machine components. Read more…

Desmond Purpleson


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